Saturday, March 21, 2015


So today, the first full day of Spring, my plan was to Breathe...

Between getting the one quilt I registrared for the quilt show finished, and finishing the commissioned clergy stole's, this has been a very "self induced" " stressed "desserts" kinda week.  I have a tendency to procrastinate so that is why I say self induced. I also tend to be very critical of my own work, and felt like the finished stole's weren't up to par.  That was not the reaction I got from the customer.  (Thank Heaven).  She loved everything I made for her, and now I can Breathe, and enjoy our quilt show.
Clergy Stole
I made two of these along with the ring bearer's pillow, and flower girls basket. I can now call them "done".

Candy Corn/South of the Border
This quit was finished on Wednesday, and I was super duper relieved to have this done in time to work on just the wedding items.  The stoles will be a gift to the Rev. and Pastor who will preform the wedding.

So now for me and you, happy piecing, happy sewing,


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