Saturday, January 7, 2017

Now that the holiday's are over, it's just winter

"Now that the holiday's are over, it's just winter."  Statement from my man one afternoon while I was taking down the Christmas decorations.  The house is slowly getting back to normal.  I have an embroidery job or two to work on, and I'm quilting DD#2's quilt.

The Green is Always Green aka Jacob's Ladder

I wanted Celtic Knot's since "The Little Red Haired Girl" is my Irish Baby.  Fitting design for her.

Today is a snow day/sew day.  We only got an inch of snow here in my neck of the woods, but it came later in the day, and kept us home from a dinner party.  So instead of stressing over it, off to the basement I went and sewed.  Now it's dark outside, snow has stopped, but it's cold.  Fire and football, and some quiet time with my man are good for me.

Happy piecing, happy sewing,

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