Sunday, September 10, 2017

It's small but it's a finish

Just a little handy organizer to help keep baby things at Mommy's fingertips.  Pockets to Go pattern by Atkinson Designs. I made this with left over fabric from the glider cover I talked about in my last post.  The below picture was taken here right after I finished it, the footstool was already at DD#2's house.

Covered Glider with Pillow

Pattern Directions
I've had this pattern for a couple years, and this is the first one I've made.  Surprisingly easier than I thought it would be, but DD#2 wanted to use up some of the left over fabric.  She is my moral support, and encourages me along the way to completion.  She's amazed, and trusts that I can do anything.  Hahaha! It finishes at 6" X 6" X 5 1/2' high.  I will probably make the long one too, but not sure I will use the upholstery fabric which was a little thick for such a small project.

Finished and ready to be filled
It's small but it's a finish, and I'm happy about that.

Happy piecing, happy sewing,

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